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Speedtest Galaxy Note 8 vs S8: The Battle to the Kingdom Samsung

To get an idea of ​​the effectiveness of the Samsung Galaxy Note 8, we submitted it to a speedtest against the Galaxy S8, the other flagship of the South Korean brand.

Galaxy note 8 VS Galaxy S8

The re-entry of Samsung was marked by the announcement and then the commercialization of the Galaxy Note 8. A high-end phablette that notably marked the spirits by its launch price set at 1,009 dollar. But beyond an amazing price, the smartphone has qualities appreciable for the user experience.

To give us a more complete idea of ​​the device, we wanted to confront it in the test of the speedtest. After having opposed the OnePlus5, we have this time, facing the Samsung Galaxy S8, the first 2017 flagship of the South Korean manufacturer. As a reminder, in a speedtest, one opens fifteen applications in succession on the two terminals. And this on two occasions. The first cycle is used to observe the launch time of the apps while the second cycle allows you to see how each device manages its RAM.


Note that the Galaxy Note 8 and S8 both have an Exynos 8895. On the first, it is associated with 6 GB of RAM, against 4 GB on the second.

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